
Get rid of annoying tiny scroll word for mac trackpad
Get rid of annoying tiny scroll word for mac trackpad

get rid of annoying tiny scroll word for mac trackpad
  1. Get rid of annoying tiny scroll word for mac trackpad install#
  2. Get rid of annoying tiny scroll word for mac trackpad drivers#
  3. Get rid of annoying tiny scroll word for mac trackpad software#
  4. Get rid of annoying tiny scroll word for mac trackpad Pc#

My point is that most tasks are either ① best done in a good text editing / development environment that works well with a specialized text input device - a keyboard - or ② would be better done with a specialized non-keyboard, non-trackpad input device (eg. The only thing trackpads seem good at is browsing¹, which IMO should be a slightly glorified text task where Pentadacyl/luakit/qutebrowser/etc.² vi-style keybindings³ are best. Where I'm less sure is graphics and video, but it seems to me like specialized mice, graphics tablets, and other tools (eg. For working with text (including code) keyboards are better, and for gaming mice are better. I’ve never understood why people⁰ care so much about trackpads. I like the eraser mouse because I don't have to move my fingers away from the keyboard - and even if it feels it takes slightly longer to move - it's more pleasant tactile experience for me. If I'm using my laptop on a couch at home, I have a wooden lap desk with ample mouse space to accommodate it.Īdditionally, the thinkpad I have now has both an eraser mouse and touch screen + stylus (as well as a trackpad), so if I do have to leave my mouse at home, I at least have options. My solution has always been to just keep a wireless mouse with rechargable AA's in my backpack.

Get rid of annoying tiny scroll word for mac trackpad drivers#

Besides issues that come from low-quality pads + linux drivers (ghost mouse movements as I type, stupid imprecision from weird acceleration setting) - I don't like the way that most touch pads feel cold and metallic, and how they always attract dust you can feel as you use. I mostly use PCs (often with Linux), but used a mac for work for while - and I can't really say I saw the appeal in that touchpad either. They really are so frequently bad that I can't imagine what a good one would be like. I'll be honest, I've used a laptop as a primary computing device my whole life - and I have no idea what a "sane touchpad" would even be. We have existence proofs to the contrary. People act like there's some yet-to-be-understood law of nature that make MacBook touchpads good and everything else bad. Running Firefox on the same system gives you its same janky scroll behavior that you get anywhere else that isn't a MacBook, for no good reason.

Get rid of annoying tiny scroll word for mac trackpad install#

When you wipe the machine and install Ubuntu and use Chrome, it's still pretty good. The touchpad experience from the factory is as good as it should be. I'm typing this on a Chromebook intended to run ChromeOS, but it's actually running Ubuntu. Look at Firefox for an example of the latter.

Get rid of annoying tiny scroll word for mac trackpad software#

It's just that people pretend they don't exist, whether in consumer complaints comparing MacBooks to everything else, or by the people responsible for freedesktop-based software who themselves continue purchasing terrible hardware and keep the software (drivers, userspace apps, etc) in the same sad state that it's always been in instead of copying what's happening with Chromebooks. The hardware + software configuration for the majority of touchpads I've used on Chromebooks are on par or better than MacBook touchpads. Things like a touchscreen, active digitizers, tablet modes, escape keys, function keys, facial recognition, variety.

Get rid of annoying tiny scroll word for mac trackpad Pc#

PC hardware has a lot more going for it that overshadows the delta between a 99% trackpad and a 94% trackpad. I'm just not sure it's as big a problem with decently-built PC laptops as people make it out to be. A tap accomplishes the same thing that a physical click does and is probably how I engage it most often. What I notice on the wife's MBP trackpad is the feel (glass) and the (good) lack of physical movement in trackpad - this lenovo is clearly a momentary switch and at the very upper end of the pad the force to needed to click is tougher, but it hardly matters. My XPS 2-in-1 9310 sits in a bag across the room and am typing on a four-five year old Lenovo right now, neither of which have any such problems. I can't recall the last time I had a PC laptop with those problems.

get rid of annoying tiny scroll word for mac trackpad

Problems with gestures, multi-touch or palm strikes. Frankly, when I read these comments about the problems of PC trackpads, it's like a foreign language to me. Would be interesting to hear from engineers at the OEMs. Maybe there is something in the OS that hampers it though, I don't know. The fact that trackpad quality varies between makes/models implies that it's both a hardware and a software problem, the latter probably being drivers.

Get rid of annoying tiny scroll word for mac trackpad